Organisations appreciate that a great way to bring in fresh ideas and perspectives is to invite speakers to share their expertise.
We believe that people learn best when they are actively engaged. Our specialty has always been to design and deliver interactive talks, both face-to-face and online. We utilise a variety of technology tools to enhance audience interaction and engagement.
We offer talks in the following areas:
Back to basics: Understanding Innovation
Innovation Leadership
Inspiring innovation
Innovation Myths and misconceptions
Developing an innovative mindset
What 'Toilets, Taxi Uncles, Tractors' taught me about Innovation
‘Everything I learned about Innovation I learned from Bruce Lee’
Contact us to custom design a talk for your organisation.
Moderating panels
We also moderate discussion forums and panels, both in-person and virtually.

Top and aspiring athletes all have personal coaches, because they understand that engaging a coach enables one to excel. We believe that coaching is for anyone that wants to excel – in life, personally and professionally. We offer individual coaching for aspiring executives who which to take their career to the next level, or for individuals wanting breakthroughs in any aspect of their life.
Many of our coaches were trained in the Co-Active methodology, which is one of the most rigorous and comprehensive training programmes available globally. Our extended team has also been trained in other methodologies, to meet the needs of the market.
Action learning is a process founded by Prof. Reg Revans, who advocated continual learning (L) and combining programmed / prior knowledge (P) with asking questions (Q). He was also a great advocate of reflection. AL has been used in leadership development, team building, tacking complex business and human resources challenges.

How are good workshops run?
It starts with a strong process, and an even stronger designer. To that end, we’ve been training trainers and facilitators for close to a decade; where our satisfaction scores have consistently been a minimum of 4 out of 5.
When we design workshops for our client, we apply design thinking principles to understand our client’s fundamental needs: their purpose and the desired outcome. We then apply and blend time-tested frameworks like the ADDIE model, Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction, Experiential Learning, Salmon 5 Stage Model, Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning, among others. We’ve designed programmes for both physical and digital experiences, and would love to do so for you as well.

Interested in exploring how we can help you achieve your goals?